"Never give up because great things take time," goes a quote on the internet.

Since she was a child, Anie Siva from Kerala, India, have wanted to become a police officer. But a wrong decision taken in her teens threw her life off course.

Despite the odds stacked against her, the 35-year-old perservered, and today, she is a probationary sub-inspector at an area where she used to sell lemonades and ice cream, 14 years ago, just to make ends meet.

Anie reportedly married against her family's will in her first year at college, at the age of 18. However, her husband left her when she delivered her baby two years later, and the young mother and newborn were left to fend for themselves.

Her family refused to take her back, and Anie tried everything from selling insurance to delivering items on a motorcycle, to peddling lemonade and ice cream, to survive. None of the ventures, however, worked.

It was then she met a relative, who encouraged her to take up sub-inspector exam, and even supported her financially.

She was recently appointed a probationary sub-inspector at Varkala police station in Thiruvananthapuram, located in the same area she used to sell lemonade and ice cream from.

Anie's impressive achievement was lauded by the Kerala Police, in a tweet that read: " A true model of will power and confidence. An 18-year-old girl who was left on the streets with her 6-month-old baby after being abandoned by her husband and family has become #subinspector @Varkalapolicestation."

At long last, Anie can live up to her dreams of wearing the khaki uniform and upholding the law.

Source / Image Credit : The Morung Express