Telugu star Naga Chaitanya recently hit the headlines after reportedly breaching the tinted glass rule in Hyderabad. Traffic police allegedly stopped the actor in his Toyota Vellfire at the Jubilee Hills checkpoint.
According to the report, Naga Chaitanya paid a Rs. 715 (RM 40) fine to the traffic officers, and they removed the black film on his car window.
Naga Chaitanya is the son of famous actor Nagarjuna. He is well known for his roles in films like Majili, Manam, Ye Maaya Chesave, and Autonagar Surya, to mention a few. He was most recently seen in the 2021 blockbuster Love Story with actress Sai Pallavi.
In 2021, Naga Chaitanya divorced his wife, actress Samantha Ruth Prabhu. Many people were shocked by their split as they were regardaed as one of the trendiest couples in South India.
Source: NDTV
Photo Credit: India Today
Wed Apr 13 2022
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