Actress Jyotika's journey in K-town began with the cult favourite Vaali, starring Ajith and Simran. The actress managed to carve a name for her in the Tamil cinema industry, especially when she made a comeback in the film ‘36 Vayadhinile’ after getting married.

She is not showing signs of stopping acting any time soon and she's only taking up meatier roles in female-centric films. Recently, Jyotika made an entry into the world of Instagram and managed to create a record by gaining more than 1 million followers within a day.

Now, she has posted a vlog that depicts her trekking journey across the Himalayas. The vlog features breathtaking views, personal moments with the crew, and her struggles during the trek.

Check out the full vlog here:

A post shared by Jyotika (@jyotika)

Source: Jyotika's Instagram
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