Actor Ajith's recent film 'Valimai' has landed in a controversy after the Lawyer Association filed a police case against the director H. Vinoth and producer Boney Kapoor for allegedly portraying the lawyers in a bad light. The Lawyer Association has requested that appropriate action be taken against them by the police.
While the film has performed well at the box office and is deemed a blockbuster, the legal issues have upset the Valimai team and Ajith's fans. Valimai allegedly grossed Rs. 150 crores globally in its first week of release.
In the action-drama, Ajith portrays a policeman pitted against the enemy Kartikeya, a Telugu actor making his Tamil debut. The heartfelt scenes between Ajith and his mother (played by Sumithra) are the film's primary focus.
Source: Times of India
Photo Credit: Wikipedia, Movie Crow & Hindustan Times
Sat Mar 05 2022