However, in a new promo released on Vijay TV today, the Tik Toker can be seen getting emotional while talking about her strict mother who allegedly was the reason behind Nadia getting beaten up by the police.
"I've only been working all my life. I've never enjoy or experienced teen or college life," she added.
She also admitted that an app (presumably Tik Tok) gave her the recognition. Check out the promo here:
On her Instagram account, Nadia has shared a photo with someone she called 'Ma' in the caption. She even mentioned that her 'ma' is an iron lady. Take a look at the post here:
Is this Nadia Chang's real mother who she's talking about in the promo video? From her Instagram posts, we can also see that she is married and has three adorable daughters. Let us know your thoughts in the comments...
Source: Nadia Chang's Instagram