In the final task yesterday, the contestants and viewers had goosebumps witnessing Shivani and Ramya's competitive spirit. Bigg Boss further intensified the situation by playing the inspirational women empowerment song 'Singapenney' from Bigil.
Both Ramya and Shivani got very emotional when the song came and as the other contestants started cheering for them. But the episode ended in a cliffhanger without announcing the winner.
However, it has been revealed that Shivani was the winner in the task and she managed to hold onto the rope for 4 hours and 48 minutes. There has been buzz that she will get eliminated tonight, but the girl has already proven that she's a worthy contestant.
Source: Indiaglitz
Photo Credit: Vijay TV
Both Ramya and Shivani got very emotional when the song came and as the other contestants started cheering for them. But the episode ended in a cliffhanger without announcing the winner.
However, it has been revealed that Shivani was the winner in the task and she managed to hold onto the rope for 4 hours and 48 minutes. There has been buzz that she will get eliminated tonight, but the girl has already proven that she's a worthy contestant.
Source: Indiaglitz
Photo Credit: Vijay TV