Balaji claims that the Tamil version of the massively successful Hindi film 'Badhaai Ho will be more of an adaptation than a remake. Sathyaraj, Urvashi, 'Soorarai Potru' fame Aparna Balamurali, KPAC Lalitha, Pavithra Lokesh, and Visvesh are also featured in the movie.
Just recently, the harsh criticism of 'Veetla Vishesham' by famous Tamil film critic Blue Sattai Maaran, who said it was an example of how someone could spoil a good Hindi movie, caused quite a stir online.
RJ Balaji responded to Blue Sattai Maaran's review by posting a reply video on his social media accounts. In the video, several theater owners discuss Veetla Vishesham's performance at the box office and how the audience is enjoying the film.
"So, it is fine enough if the public enjoys the film, and it is not an issue if a Blue Sattai doesn't like it," RJ Balaji said as he concluded the video.
Take a look at the video here:
#VeetlaVisheham நடந்தது என்ன ??
— RJ Balaji (@RJ_Balaji) June 21, 2022
Source: Indiaglitz
Photo Credit: The Times of India, Blue Sattai Maaran & RJ Balaji's Twitter