Many of us would have followed Take CRTL, the short series that aired on Astro Go or On Demand since January 29, 2022, which brought a line-up of great actors such as Shaheizy Sam as Papa, Hana Nadira as Mama, as well as Faiz Najib and Sry Khairudin as a pair of siblings whose lives are always closely controlled by their parents.
During the course of the story, the siblings come across a video game that changes the course of their lives. The events that ensue not only provided comedic relief for the younger viewers, but also impressed the importance of familial ties on its viewers.
The six-episode sci-fi comedy series tells the story of a couple who control their two teenaged children, and yet allow them to grow up in their own rythm to be their best selves.
In line with its slogan "with control, comes chaos", the children eventually find out that controlling is not easy as it seem, and there are consequences.
Each episode of the series is packed with lessons that both children and parents can take cue from, and that it is up to both parties to find a "middle ground" amidst all the chaos so that everyone can live in harmony.
The show began and ended in a blink. March 5 witnessed the conclusion of the much beloved show. Were Mama and Papa saved from "The Place", and how did Sky and Ram rescue their parents?
Those who missed the conclusion of Take CRTL, fret not, as you can still can stream it anytime, anywhere, on demand and via Astro Go.
For more details, click HERE.
#WithControlComesChaos #TADAA #CH612 #OnDemand #UltraBox #EntertainmentPack
Tue Mar 08 2022