The Bigg Boss reality show franchise has extended to multiple languages across India. Bigg Boss Tamil hosted by Ulaganayagan Kamal Haasan has been running for four seasons. The prep for Bigg Boss S5 just began and it's speculated that Kamal Haasan won't be continuing as the host this time around.
It's undeniable that Kamal Haasan is one of the finest actors of this generation. Countless films and memorable roles stand testament to his acting prowess.
Now, after touching the heights of fame and recognition in the world of South Indian cinema, the actor is venturing into a new field, politics. Kamal Haasan will be contesting on behalf of his party Makkal Needhi Maiam at the Coimbatore south constituency.
Kamal will be facing his first elections in April and if he emerges victorious, his attention will be focused on politics. So, it's only logical to find his replacement just in case.
Indiaglitz reported that actor Simbu has been approached to host Bigg Boss 5 and he seems to be interested. However, there hasn't been any confirmation from the channel since the decision will depend on many other factors.
On the other hand, Simbu is known to be a controversial actor in Tamil cinema. But recently, he revamp his self by losing weight and becoming more disciplined.
Let us know what you think of Simbu hosting Bigg Boss 5! Leave your comments...
Source: Indiaglitz
Photo Credit: India Today & Simbu Talkies
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