Kollywood's well-known celebrity couple Prasanna and Sneha have always set goals with their relationship. The pair met on the set of 'Achchamundu Achchamundu' and dated for three years before marrying on in 2012. They have been blessed with two children, Vihaan, a son, and Aadhyantaa, a daughter.

​On Valentine's Day, Sneha shared a sweet photo of the husband and wife looking into each other while wearing a couple's t-shirt with the word 'Love'.

The actress wrote in the caption, "Don't fall in love," which drew many people's attention. However, as they scrolled down, she ended the post with the phrase, "Rise in love."

Check out the Instagram post here:

A post shared by Sneha (@realactress_sneha)

Source: Sneha's Instagram
Photo Credit: Times Now & India Today