Actor Gautham Karthik and actress Manjima Mohan will announce their engagement later this year. According to a news report on DT Next, it was stated that the stars have been dating for a few years now and have finally decided to tie the knot.
The rumored couple reportedly met on the sets of Devarattam, where they were both working at the time and had been living together ever since. The source further added that they're hoping to find an auspicious date for the wedding late in the year and will be making an official announcement in the near future.
When contacted, Manjima did not deny their relationship; she said that the marriage would not occur in April. On the other hand, Gautham claimed to be busy shooting in April, but he promised to keep everyone updated if there was a wedding.
Source: DT Next
Photo Credit: Times of India & Indiaglitz
Thu Feb 10 2022
Pasanga 2 | Episode 88 [Preview]
When expectations run high, tensions rise! Priya struggles to meet Vikram’s demands, pushing him to his breaking point. What’s next for them?
Don’t miss the drama on Pasanga S2, Mon–Thu at 9 PM on Vinmeen. Stream anytime on Astro GO and On Demand!
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Don’t miss the drama on Pasanga S2, Mon–Thu at 9 PM on Vinmeen. Stream anytime on Astro GO and On Demand!
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