Director Gautham Menon's much-anticipated film, "Dhruva Natchathiram," has faced significant challenges during its six-year journey to completion. Originally scheduled for release on November 24, 2023, the film has experienced multiple delays.
Initially planned with actor Suriya in the lead role, the project encountered setbacks even before filming began. Suriya reportedly withdrew from the film due to concerns about the script's authenticity. Despite Gautham Menon's outline of the plot, which revolves around a team of vigilantes formed in the aftermath of the Mumbai attacks, Suriya expressed reservations about the lack of reference points and realism in the storyline.
Reflecting on the situation, Gautham Menon emphasized his commitment to creating unique and realistic narratives, even if they diverge from conventional Tamil cinema tropes. He acknowledged the constructive relationship he shares with Suriya but noted the challenge in aligning creative visions for "Dhruva Natchathiram."
However, the project found new momentum when actor Vikram expressed interest in the innovative concept. With Vikram on board, the film gained renewed energy and direction.
Despite the hurdles, reports suggest that "Dhruva Natchathiram" may finally hit screens in April 2024. Fans eagerly await an official announcement regarding the film's release.
Source : OTTPlay,
Mon Apr 01 2024