Cooku with Comali 2 just ended. The contestants and Comalis received widespread fame and recognition for their efforts in the show. Kani Thiru was crowned as the title winner in this season with Shakeela and Ashwin given the first and second runners up respectively.

Recently some of the contestants like Ashwin, Kani, Baba Bhaskar, and Shakeela participated in the Start Music game show hosted by Priyanka Deshpande. Vijay TV released the promo of the fun episode which turned serious pretty quickly.

A 'fight' ensued between Kani and Baba Bhaskar after the latter was offended by something that Kani said. All the contestants who joined the show were shocked to see Baba Bhaskar's reaction, including Kani. Many of their fans predicted that it was a prank.

Well, that turned out to be true as Baba Bhaskar quickly changed the tone of his voice and laughed. Check out the video here:

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Source: Behindwoods
Photo Credit: Vijay TV