Starting her acting journey in Vignesh Shivn's Poda Podi with co-star Simbu, Varalaxmi or fondly known as Varu, has come a long way. The 35-year-old actress has been going on an interview spree to promote her upcoming film 'Velvet Nagaram'. She's also busy filming at least 4 films in Tamil and Telugu simultaneously.
Following her open heart interviews, the actress received many warm wishes for her birthday on March 5. Overwhelmed by the love and support, she shared a tweet thanking her fans:
Feels amazing to wake up to soo much love n positivity..truly feel blessed..thank u to every single person who took the time to wish me humbled at ur love..cant ask for a better bday gift #VelvetNagaramfromTomm support me like u always you all so much.. ??
— varalaxmi sarathkumar (@varusarath) March 5, 2020
However, Varalaxmi didn't stop herself from replying to one mean comment calling her 'aunty' as she turns 35 years old this year. Check it out!
Yes uncle.. any problem..??
— varalaxmi sarathkumar (@varusarath) March 5, 2020
Source: Twitter
Photo Credit: Indiaglitz & MBS News