Bigg Boss Archana recently got embroiled in a controversy involving her recent 'Bathroom Tour' video on her lifestyle YouTube channel WowLife. While it was just another one of her videos taking the viewers on a tour in her house, it surprisingly started trending and went on to garner 2.5 million views. Take a look at the video here:

This didn't go well among some YouTubers who claim that celebrities started crowding the platform after the lockdown which affects content creators who depend solely on their earnings from YouTube.

Some of the YouTubers started trolling Archana and her daughter using abusive language. Unable to withstand such online abuse any longer, Archana took the step of sending copyrights strikes to those who defamed her.

Talking about the controversy, Archana got on a live session with a social media influencer Jason Samuel.

They discussed her channel Wow Life and the purpose of its existence, the abuses Archana and daughter Zaara had to endure because of some YouTubers, and ways solo creators on YouTube can get the recognition they deserve despite competition from celebrities and corporate companies.

She also explained about the copyright strikes and the reason behind her drastic step.

Archana revealed that she found the real meaning of 'hate' after coming out of the Bigg Boss house. While she can bear the online harassment, her family doesn't deserve to be dragged into the controversy.

"A lot of people are asking my sister's baby son's photo. But, once I've shown the baby, they are going to write that I'm earning money from that as well. I'm scared to do anything. Because they are using such abusive and inappropriate language," she added.

Check out the full live session here:

A post shared by Jason Samuel (@thejasonsamuel)

Source: Jason Samuel Instagram
Photo Credit: Wow Life