VJ Chithra's recent suicide has put the entire Kollywood and her fans in shock, especially when the actress looked cheerful in her last shoot just hours before her death.
Her mom speaks up for the first time during her funeral and claimed that her daughter was murdered by Hemanth - Chithra's lawfully wedded husband.
Meanwhile, after several days of investigation, Hemanth was arrested for abetting her suicide.
Now, Cinema Vikatan has reported about interviewing Hemanth from the jail in the presence of their lawyers.
According to the site, Hemanth revealed that he and his parents went to visit Chithra at the mortuary to see her one last time. But her mother stopped and even made a police report which forbids Hemanth from attending her funeral.
Cinema Vikatan further updated that Chithra's mom wanted Hemanth to settle Chithra's debt before their marriage and even planned to postpone their wedding after learning that he couldn't fulfil the obligation.
"She was constantly brainwashing Chithra to leave me, and that's why we registered marriage hastily," he revealed.
According to the site, Hemanth revealed that he argued with Chithra before her suicide because of her mom who called and ask her to leave me. So he left the hotel room to avoid having a big argument with his wife.
However, Hemanth's statement in Cinema Vikatan's interview seems to be contradicting with his previous statements to the Police about leaving the room to smoke or about waiting outside because she wanted to shower.
* Astro Ulagam accepts no responsibility for the topicality, correctness, completeness or quality of the information provided. The given information is generated based on Cinema Vikatan's reporting.
Source: Cinema Vikatan
Thu Dec 24 2020