Actor Thalapathy Vijay got into a controversy recently when the Madras High Court fined the actor for a petition made in 2012. The actor who purchased a luxury Rolls Royce Ghost from London in 2012, filed for a petition in the same year after he was required to pay 20% of the purchase price as the import tax.
The actor was imposed a fine of Rs1 lakh for putting up the petition despite paying the tax 8 years back. The court ordered the actor to pay the fine as a contribution to the Corona Relief Fund initiated by the Chief Minister.
Following the news, fans are now questioning the unfair treatment as the court approved cricketer Sachin Tendulkar's tax exemption petition years back. Sachin was gifted a 360 Modena Ferrari by Fiat and racer Michael Schumacher, and granted a Rs 1.5 crore import duty waiver by the government. This news was not received well by the public causing Fiat to intervene and pay the tax on behalf of the cricketer. Later, Sachin sold the Ferrari to a businessman.
Fans also questioned that other celebrities who put up the petition were not fined, but despite paying the taxes, Vijay was imposed a fine for putting up a petition. Check out the video here:
Wed Jul 14 2021