Vijay TV is launching yet another brand new show called 'Comedy Raja & Kalakkal Rani'. Inspired by the unprecedented success of 'Cooku with Comali', the channel is now exploring a new type of show where their male comedy stars will be paired with a female TV star.
The show is set to premiere this Sunday at -- on Vijay TV Ch2. The channel has now released the judges and the participants of the show in their promos.
Check out the list of judges and participants here:
JUDGES: Aishwarya, Baba Bhaskar and Madurai Muthu
PAIRS: Raju & Nisha, Jeyachandan & Archana, Sathish & Gayathiri, Vinodh Babu &Pranika, TSK & Sunitha, Raja Velu & Dharsha Gupta, Shabnam & Yogi, Rithika & Bala, Pugazh & Archana, Ramar & Deepa
Each comedy star will be assigned a female TV star to perform comedy skits on the show. Take a look at the promos here:
Source: Vijay TV
Fri Jun 25 2021