Kaatrukkenna Veli is one of the top serials on Vijay TV. The series follows the story of a young woman Vennila (portrayed by Priyanka Kumar) who goes against all odds to continue her studies. She ran away from her home a day before her forced wedding.

She joins a college run by her professor and mentor Sharada's son Surya. Surya's role is essayed by a well-known serial actor Surya Darshan who has a huge fan following.

However, some media sites are reporting that the actor is leaving the show to pursue film opportunities and he will be replaced by a new actor named Swaminathan Anantharaman. Here's how he looks:

A post shared by Swaminathan Anantharaman (@swaminathan_anantharaman)

Surya Darshan's fans are disheartened at the news. However, there hasn't been any official confirmation from the channel.

Source: Cine Ulagam
Photo Credit: Vijay TV & Hotstar