The show, hosted by Pushpa Narayan, features local chef Rajesh Kanna cooking up a storm with delicious Indian, Asian, and Western vegetarian cuisine using fresh ingredients harvested straight from the farm.
Astro recently caught up with both Pushpa and Rajesh for a brief chat. Here's the interview:
Pushpa Narayan
How was your experience like hosting Maracurry Mess?It was a great comeback for me as a host after 18 years. The show allowed me to harvest fresh vegetables from the farm, to be turned into healthy meals. This gave me the opportunity to walk down memory lane where we used to grow our own vegetables during childhood. It was a great experience as I got to learn a variety of new recipes.
What other parts of the show did you particularly enjoy?
Tasting the cooked food was something we looked forward to as it reveals the end result of the cooking process. The guests also shared honest reviews about the food, which made the feel excited.
Have you tried cooking any of these dishes at home?
I haven't had the time to try any of them yet, but am looking forward to try out soon.
Rajesh Kanna
Could you share your background as a chef and your journey in the culinary industry?I started off as a trainee cook at the Pan Pacific Hotel, Kuala Lumpur in 1992. In 1995, I worked at a fine dining restaurant in Singapore for three years. Upon my return to Kuala Lumpur, I explored creative cooking which got featured in newspapers, magazines and TV. I also helped an organisation open a fine dining restaurant in Amman, Jordan.
In my 30 years as a chef, I have cooked for people from all walks of life including royalties, celebrities, government personnel and more. Cooking has been always my passion and being featured as a celebrity chef on TV is my lifetime dream come true.
What are some of your favourite dishes from the show?
I would say that all kind of sweets and desserts are my favourites. This show has taught me the beauty of Indian sweets made from milk. My favourites include Crispy Sabudana Vadai, Sorrakaa with Dal Kuttu, Ponnangani with Paneer Gravy, Kangkung Chili and more.
What can the audience look forward to on Maracurry Mess?
They can expect a wide range of new, tasty and vibrant vegetarian dishes, cooked from fresh vegetables which are healthy and nutritious. They will also take home tips on using milk in recipes that enhance the flavour and textures of food.
Catch Maracurry Mess, sponsored by Fernleaf, every Friday on Astro Vaanavil at 7.30pm. You can also catch up on Astro GO and On Demand.
You can also get recipes for items already featured on the show HERE.