The first season of the series follows the investigation of a potential terrorist attack by senior analyst Srikanth Tiwari, played by Manoj Bajpayee. The episodes were interlaced with his thrilling journey and unsettling marriage with wife Suchitra Iyer Tiwari (Priyamani) and his two children.
In Season 2, leading South Indian actress Samantha joined the cast as Raji a.k.a Rajalekshmi Chandran who faces off the protagonist in an intense and violent narrative.
Following the trailer release of the action thriller series, netizens have been bashing Samantha for essaying the role of a fictional extremist leader, whom they say paints Tamilians as terrorists. They are condemning the striking resemblance between Samantha's freedom struggle to that of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) movement. The series has been since branded as 'anti-Tamil' by the Twittersphere.
Actor-politician Seeman has sought the ban of the series and warned of dire consequences if it premieres despite the protests. Take a look at his statement here:
தமிழர்களைக் கொச்சைப்படுத்தும் 'தி பேமிலி மேன் 2' இணையத்தொடரை ஒளிபரப்புவதை ரத்து செய்யாவிட்டால் மிக மோசமான எதிர்விளைவுகளைச் சந்திக்க நேரிடும்!
— சீமான் (@SeemanOfficial) May 21, 2021
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Source: Mashable, Times Now India & Behindwoods
Photo Credit: Binged, News Bugz & Amazon Prime