Bharathi Kannamma is one of the trending TV serials on Star Vijay which revolves around Kannamma, a dark-skinned and soft-spoken Tamil girl, and her husband Dr. Bharathi. The roles are played by actors Roshni Haripriyan and Arun Prasad, respectively.
Actress Roshini who got her big break after starring in the serial also won an award for her bold role in the serial. She even revealed in an interview that she will be seen on the silver screen soon.
This October 23rd was reportedly her last day of the shoot. The actress will reportedly pursue films after this. The Bharathi Kannamma team is believed to be actively looking for a new actress to replace her role.
Now, a serial actress named Nachathira has been selected to take on Kannamma's role. But there hasn't been any official confirmation by the channel or actress Roshni.
Source: Cine Ulagam
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Wed Oct 27 2021
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