Comedian and actress Vidyulekha Raman is the daughter of veteran actor Mohan Raman. She debuted as a comedian in 'Neethaane En Ponvasantham' and was nominated for the Best Supporting Actress on Vijay Awards.

There was a time when some of her comedy acts in films were based on body-shaming the comedian. Determined to change the practice, Vidyu Raman started eating clean and working out.

In 2020, the comedian made into the headlines for her shocking weight loss transformation. She shared about her Keto diet journey on her Instagram account. Now, the actress has shocked everyone by posting as look from her film set where she appears as a police woman. The actress looks fit and confident in the picture. Take a look:

A post shared by Vidyu Raman (@vidyuraman)

Vidyu engaged with an entrepreneur named Sanjay and is all set to marry this year. Good luck to the actress!

Source: Instagram
Photo Credit: Chai Biskut