Lately, Keerthy Suresh was linked to music director Anirudh who's currently basking in the success of Thalapthy's Master. It all began when she shared a sweet wish on Twitter for his birthday on last October. The actress playfully asked him to wish her as well since their birthdays were just a day apart. The tweet sparked rumours of their wedding sometime this year. Take a look:
Happy birthday dear @anirudhofficial ? ♥️
— Keerthy Suresh (@KeerthyOfficial) October 16, 2020
May you have an amazing year ahead!! ?
You better wish me back in a few hours ?#HBDRockstarAnirudh
According to JFW, it's reported that the duo has been dating and is all set to tie the knot soon. However, there hasn't been any confirmation from the stars.
Another source close to Keerthy and Anirudh claims that they are just best friends and the wedding rumours are baseless.
The stars are believed to have bonded during their projects together like Remo, Thaana Serndha Kootam, and many others.
Guess we'll have to wait for the official news to find out the truth!
Source: JFW
Photo Credit: Twitter