In an interview, Madhavan said he first met Suriya during Vasanth's 1997 film 'Nerukku Ner' shoot. It was Suriya's debut film and had Vijay as its lead. At the time, Madhavan was called in to audition for Mani Ratnam's 'Iruvar,' but he didn't get the part because the director felt he was too young.
"I had met Suriya when he was working on 'Nerukku Ner.' At that time, when I saw the film, I think both and he and Vijay sir were phenomenal. Guess Suriya was intrigued about me as a totally different person, and we became good friends," he stated.
All you need is a good friend like @ActorMadhavan and your world will be a better place..! Love you brother!
— Suriya Sivakumar (@Suriya_offl) November 7, 2021
Throughout their remarkable acting careers, both stars have supported and appreciated one another. In 2000, Madhavan made his Tamil film debut in Mani Ratnam's "Alaipayuthey." He recalled Suriya telling him the movie was wonderful and saying, "You have killed it, Maddy!"
Likewise, Madhavan never misses complimenting his friend's performances. Madhavan recently tweeted on Suriya's performance in 'Jai Bhim,' to which Suriya replied, 'All you need is a good friend like @ActorMadhavan and your world will be a better place..! Love you brother!'
In 2016, at the audio launch of Madhavan's sports drama 'Irudhi Suttru,' Suriya told the media that they are the kind of friends who can chat about anything and everything, showing the world the special and sincere bond they share.
Meaning for the real friendship is @ActorMadhavan anna nd @Suriya_offl Anna... #RocketryTheNambiEffect #Rocketryfromjuly1st
— MADDY Suresh (@maddysuresh84) June 22, 2022
Madhavan and Suriya's wife, Jyothika, get along well since they have starred in several films together. Suriya thanked him for his guest role in her 2017 film 'Magalir Mattum,' and he is now repaying the favour by making a cameo appearance in "Rocketry: The Nambi Effect."
Suriya plays a journalist in the film, yet he didn't take a single penny for the role. Madhavan, who produced and played the title character in the movie, donned a new hat as the director.
Bond between @Suriya_offl Anna ❤️ and @ActorMadhavan Anna ❤️
— Kค®th!k?™? (@Karthik77427342) June 23, 2022
• We Waiting to See #Suriya Anna Reaction ? while see you as a Nambi Narayan Sir ?
உங்களை நம்பி நாராயணனாக பார்க்கும்போது
Suriya took it upon himself to support his buddy, from paying for flights to bringing his whole crew since this was Madhavan's first film as a director. Madhavan remarked in a speech that he feels sorry because he hasn't even given Suriya a gift.
Their friendship extends beyond the screen, as the two were photographed partying in Dubai for New Year's Eve with their spouses in 2017. According to a previous interview, Suriya also visited Madhavan at his house following the birth of his first son.
Suriya and Madhavan's connection has become a hot topic on social media as 'Rocketry: The Nambi Effect' hits theaters on July 1st. Fans can't get enough of Suriya and Madhavan, and videos of them complimenting each other have gone viral online.
• @Suriya_offl @ActorMadhavan Friendship ?❤️
— Karthik Ravivarma (@KarthikRavivarw) June 22, 2022
If you want to see Madhavan and Suriya on-screen together again after 18 years, make sure to watch 'Rocketry: The Nambi Effect' on the big screen!
p.s. Madhavan teased about a reaction video of Suriya when he first saw the actor as Nambi Narayanan.
Source: Times of India, News7 Tamil, Behindwoods, Latestly & Indian Express
Photo Credit: Times of India, Indiaglitz & DNA India