Suriya Sivakumar, one of the top actors in Tamil cinema, is currently starring in director Pandiraj's movie 'Etharkkum Thunindhavan'. In 2015, the actor also turned into a producer for his wife Jyothika's '36 Vayadhinile'.
His most recent film as a producer was 'Raame Aandalum Raavane Aandalum' released on an OTT platform last month. Directed by newcomer director Arisil Moorthy, the film is currently embroiled in a story theft controversy.
The drama film was reportedly adapted from the story of a Marathi language film 'Rangaa Patangaa' which was released in 2016.
When the matter came to the notice of actor Suriya, he allegedly called the director and warned him. The actor-producer also called the Marathi film director and producers and reportedly compensated them for the film rights.
Source: Indiaglitz
Photo Credit: Cinema Vikatan & Sify
Mon Oct 11 2021