Actor Thalapathy Vijay got into a controversy recently when the Madras High Court fined the actor for a petition made in 2012. The actor purchased a luxury Rolls Royce Ghost from London in 2012 and was required to pay 20% of the purchase price as the import tax. He filed a petition for tax exemption the same year.
The actor was fined Rs1 lakh for putting up the petition despite having paid the tax eight years ago. The court ordered the actor to pay the fine as a contribution to the Corona Relief Fund initiated by the Chief Minister.
During the verdict, Justice S.M. Subramaniam stressed that movie heroes should act just in real life too. He further added that it's unacceptable to portray roles that fight for social justice in movies but avoid paying tax in reality.
Vijay's fans are furious with the judge's comment. Many argue that it's the right of every citizen to file a tax exemption case, and criticizing Vijay for filing the petition was unnecessary.
It's reported that Vijay will be appealing against the judge's order and his controversial remark in this case. It's believed that the actor is consulting legal experts and will soon announce his decision on the appeal.
Source: Indiaglitz
Photo Credit: Live Law
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