#Thalapathy66 is a yet-to-be-titled Tamil-Telugu bilingual film by debutant director Vamshi Paidipally. Announced a month ago, the pre-production of the film kickstarted with the team putting together a solid cast and crew.
In recent years, Vijay has been choosing to cover different themes in his films, which has worked out well for him. In #Thalapathy66, the actor will reportedly portray a guy who suffers from Erotomania.
Erotomania is an unusual mental illness in which the sufferer becomes delusional and believes someone loves him or her when that's not the case. The film is touted to be laid-back and laced with romance and humor.
Fans are eager to find out the lead female and music director who will be teaming up with Thalapathy this time around. Vijay is now filming his latest feature, 'Beast,' with Nelson Dilipkumar, and would begin #Thalapathy66 only when it is completed.
#Thalapathy66 is slated for a 2022 Deepavali release, while 'Beast' is set for a release earlier in 2022.
Source: Times of India
Photo Credit: The News Bay & Filmibeat
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