Actor Arya has received unprecedented praises and applause for his performance in the recent film Sarpatta Parambarai. However, the actor has also become embroiled in an alleged cheating case.
Earlier this March, an alleged cheating case was lodged against the popular actor by Vidja, a German national who hails from Sri Lanka. Vidja accused Arya of promising to marry her and claimed that he extorted around Rs71 lakhs of financial aid in return.
Vidja further accused that she was verbally abused by Arya and his mother when she realised that she's not the first woman who got allegedly cheated by the actor and demanded her money back.
According to Indiaglitz, Vidja claimed that Arya married Sayyeshaa only because her parents agreed to settle his debts, and he allegedly promised to marry Vidja after divorcing Sayyeshaa in six months. Just a week back, Sayyeshaa gave birth to their firstborn, a daughter after keeping the pregnancy a secret.
During the case hearing, Vidja's lawyer Anandan sought a court order to halt the release of Arya's upcoming films Aranmanai 2 and Malayalam film Rendagam. He reasoned out that it will prompt Arya to return his client's money.
The case has been postponed to August 17, 2021 in order for the authorities to collect more details n the case.
Source: Indiaglitz
Photo Credit: Indian Express & Indiaglitz
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