Vanitha Vijayakumar recently got married for the third time to Peter Paul, but things didn't turn up as they planned since his first wife is back.
Peter's first wife claimed that they are still legally married and they were just having a misunderstanding. She denied having no connection with her husband for years, as he was still visiting the kids often.
Now in the midst of this controversy, Vanitha's ex-boyfriend Master Robert took social media to clarify several things.
"Recently someone created a rumour saying that I'm unhappy about Vanitha's marriage. I didn't give any opinion about her marriage to anyone and it's nothing but fake news," he clarified.
The dance choreographer also stated that he has already moved on, and such baseless rumours are disrupting his happy family life.
In regards to Vanitha's marriage, he added that Vanitha is not the victim as it is not easy to cheat a very bold lady like her.
Check out his recent live session here:
Mon Jul 06 2020
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