The 'Cooku with Comali' show that aired on Vijay TV is a well-known programme that made many of its stars famous. Sivaangi is one of the 'clowns' in the show, but she's also a very good singer.
The TV starlet has a huge fan following on social media and is celebrated for her comic timing and skills as a singer. Her pairing with Ashwin this season is a hit among the TV audience.
Recently, Sivaangi's childhood video started trending on social media. In the video, Sivaangi is seen singing a Tamil song while sitting on her father's lap.
She looked a little scared but adorable as she sang the song beautifully.
Take a look:
Source: BehindwoodsTV
Photo Credit: Indiaglitz & WikinBio
Wed Jun 02 2021
Pasanga 2 I Episode 18 [Preview]
Learn more about the Global Organization of People of Indian Origin (GOPIO).
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