Prominent Indian actor Vijay Sethupathi is one of the busiest actors in the industry now with back-to-back movies. The actor is currently juggling several multi-language projects and even started hosting the popular international franchise show, Masterchef Tamil.
Earlier, Indiaglitz reported that the actor was attacked by a mystery man at the Bangalore Airport and shared a video of the incident. The man was allegedly drunk and requested a selfie from Vijay Sethupathi.
The actor reportedly refused because of the man's condition. The refusal angered him and he allegedly used abusive words towards Vijay Sethupathi which prompted the actor's assistant to push the man away.
The mystery man didn't stop there, and rushed towards Vijay Sethupathi and tried to jump on him. But the actor's assistant got in the way and stopped the attack. Soon, the security guards hopped in to subdue the attacker. Here's the video:
The attacker delivered to airport police, but Vijay Sethupathi's assistant didn't press any charges against him. The attacker apparently apologised to them in writing.
Source: Indiaglitz
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Sat Nov 06 2021
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