Actor Vishnu Vishal entered the cine industry through the film Vennila Kabadi Kuzhu. After a few hits like Neerparavai and Ratsasan, he has established himself as a known star in Kollywood.

The actor got married to badminton player Jwala Gutta after dating her for several years. Vishnu has turned into a health and fitness freak. Fans are often treated to his moments at the gym.

Recently, Vishnu revealed photos after his cupping therapy with the caption "Train hard... Recover hard..." (sic). Cupping therapy is an ancient form of Chinese alternative medicine that has been associated with many health benefits.

Fans are shocked to see the results of the therapy on Vishnu's back and the photos are going viral now. Take a look:

A post shared by Vishnu Vishal (@thevishnuvishal)

Disclaimer: The article is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice and should not be relied on as health or personal advice. Always seek the guidance of your doctor or other qualified health professional with any questions you may have regarding your health or a medical condition.

Source: Times of India
Photo Credit: Instagram & Cine Ulagam