Many new shows have started airing on Vijay TV after the previous lockdown in India. One of them is Star Kids, a celebrity-friendly gala in which TV stars bring their children and have a day of fun!
In this week's promo, celebrities like Aranthangi, singer Rajalakshmi, and Erode Mahesh talk about how much they miss their children because of the nature of their work.
As they describe painful incidents, the rest of the stars started getting emotional.
Check out the promo here:
Source: Vijay TV
Thu Sep 02 2021
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Learn more about the Global Organization of People of Indian Origin (GOPIO).
Saree Draping | Moon Nila | Isha Norham
Celebrating Merdeka through unity in diversity! Watch as Moon Nila guides Isha Norham and Celes in the art of saree tying, embracing the beauty of Indian culture across races. Can they pull it off? Stay tuned for the magic! A big shoutout to both for being such great sports in learning something new!
#InilahKita #Sareedraping #astroulagam #Merdeka2024