Bigg Boss Kavin started as a serial actor in the TV entertainment scene, and his role as 'Vettaiyan' in the long-running Saravanan Meenatchi shot him to fame. Following his TV success, he ventured into films and was the lead actor in 'Natpuna Ennanu Theriyuma'.

However, the film's release was delayed and failed to launch him as a hero in Kollywood. Not willing to give up, Kavin tried his luck in Bigg Boss 3. His fan base grew, and Kavin Army was born.

From his love triangle with Losliya and Sakshi to his abrupt departure from the show after taking money from Bigg Boss, Bigg Boss Kavin had a rough ride in the reality show.

After his exit, the star once again landed a role in the horror-thriller 'Lift' directed by Vineeth Varaprasad. He's also working as an assistant director in Sivakarthikeyan's 'Doctor'.

Talking about Kavin's film 'Lift', Ravindar revealed it will be a treat for Kavin's fans and he displayed a variety of emotions he never showed in his previous film or serials.

"His fans will be excited to see a different face of Kavin in this horror-thriller!" he added.

Catch his full interview here:

Source: Little Talks
Photo Credit: Indiaglitz