Ajith Kumar, who recently made headlines for his triumphant win at the 24H Dubai race, delivered a heartfelt message to his fans in an interview with Gulf News. Sharing his perspective on fan culture and life priorities, the superstar urged his admirers to focus on their own lives rather than solely idolising actors like him and Thalapathy Vijay.

Ajith said, “My request to fans: watch films, enjoy them, everything is fine. But Ajith vaazhga, Vijay vaazhga… neenga eppo vaazha poreenga? (Long live Ajith, long live Vijay… when are you going to live your life?) I’m grateful for the love you’ve given me, but please look after your own life. I’ll be a happy man when I know my fans are doing well in their lives, being kind to my peers, and speaking positively about others.”

He further emphasised, “Life is very short. Our great-grandchildren won’t even remember us. So, live for the moment. Don’t dwell on the past or worry about the future. Work hard, be happy, and stay healthy; mentally and physically. Love you all.”

Looking ahead, Ajith Kumar is gearing up for the release of two films in 2025. One of them, the highly anticipated Vidaamuyarchi, directed by Magizh Thirumeni, is an action-thriller inspired by the Hollywood film Breakdown. In the movie, Ajith plays a man on a mission to rescue his kidnapped wife.

With Trisha Krishnan as the female lead, the ensemble cast also includes Arjun Sarja, Regina Cassandra, and Arav in key roles. Initially scheduled for a Pongal 2025 release, the film has been postponed to a later date for undisclosed reasons.

Source / Image Credit : Pinkvilla