In a tragic incident, the bodies of a mother and her 10-year-old daughter were found inside a drain behind an abandoned building in Alor Setar, Kedah, on the evening of August 19. The Kota Setar District Police Chief, Assistant Commissioner Siti Nor Salawati Saad, confirmed that the victims, aged 34 and 10, had sustained slashed wounds to their necks.

The Royal Malaysia Police (PDRM) received a report from the public at approximately 5 PM, prompting the immediate deployment of investigators to the scene. "Both deceased were found lying next to each other inside the drain, and no identification documents were found with them," stated Assistant Commissioner Salawati.
She also mentioned that it is possible the victims were foreigners. The bodies have been sent to the hospital for post-mortem examinations.

Later that night, around 9 PM, based on swift intelligence work, the police arrested a 43-year-old suspect at Masjid Bukit Pinang. The suspect is believed to be the husband and father of the victims.

On the morning of August 20, the suspect was brought before the Alor Setar court for a remand application to facilitate further investigation under Section 302 of the Penal Code for murder. If convicted, the suspect could face the death penalty or imprisonment for 30 to 40 years, along with no fewer than 12 strokes of the rotan.

The motive behind the murders is still under investigation, and Assistant Commissioner Salawati urged the public not to speculate on the case.

Source / Image Credit: Bernama