Set against the backdrop of growing communal tension, "Lal Salaam" portrays the journey of two aspiring cricketers from different religious backgrounds. Superstar Rajinikanth, in an extended cameo role as Moideen Bhai, adds a significant dimension to the narrative.
The storyline unfolds as the protagonists face unjust expulsion from the team, despite their undeniable talent. The film explores their resilience and determination to overcome this setback and pursue their dreams, with the guidance of a noble leader portrayed by Rajinikanth.
As "Lal Salaam" prepares to grace the theatres, audiences are poised to witness not only the thrill of the sports drama but also a thought-provoking exploration of societal dynamics. Proudly released by MSK Cinemas Sdn Bhd, check out the full cinema listing here:
Source / Image Credit : The Hans India