Renowned for her portrayal as the child artist in the widely acclaimed movie "Arundhati," Divya Nagesh stands as an emblem of inspiration for youngsters of her generation. Transitioning from early success into a prolific career primarily within the realms of Telugu and Tamil cinema, her journey has undergone a remarkable transformation.

Having commenced her acting endeavours at the tender age of four, Divya Nagesh has left an indelible mark with an impressive repertoire of over 40 films, alongside a plethora of advertising campaigns and 60 television serials across both Tamil and Telugu languages.

While her body of work spans across diverse mediums, her portrayal in milestone films such as "Arundhati" and "Aparichitudu" holds a special place in her heart, symbolizing the pinnacle of her ascent into mainstream cinema stardom.

Source / Image Credit : IndiaHerald, Filmibeat