Actor Ashok Selvan is poised to step into the iconic role originally portrayed by Kamal Haasan in the 1988 blockbuster "Sathyaa." Teaming up with director Vignesh Raja, known for "Por Thozhil," the duo is set to offer a contemporary adaptation of the revered classic.
Directed by Suresh Krissna, "Sathyaa" revolves around the journey of a young man, portrayed by Kamal Haasan, who aspires to effect positive change but finds himself embroiled in the underworld politics of a powerful leader. The film, featuring Amala Akkineni alongside Haasan, achieved immense success upon its release and remains a cornerstone of the actor's illustrious career.
While initial speculation hinted at a potential sequel to "Por Thozhil," it has now been confirmed that Ashok Selvan and Vignesh Raja will embark on the ambitious task of reimagining "Sathyaa" for audiences. The actor's recent transformation, sporting the signature short hair and thick beard reminiscent of Haasan's character, further fuels anticipation for the remake.
Although they haven’t made an official announcement , Selvan's social media posts offer tantalizing hints about his involvement in the project, generating excitement among fans eager to witness the modern reinterpretation of this cinematic gem.
Source / Image Credit : OTT Play, AmuthaBharathi, SillakiMovies