A 10-year-old Tamil school student from Negeri Sembilan, has created a one-of-a-kind national record.

Viswaa Palani recently secured a name in the Malaysia Book of Records (MBR) by being the "fastest to wear 10 surgical face masks" in the #MyMaskOn challenge, organised by MBR, and sponsored by local mask manufacturer Medicos, to encourage the wearing of face masks to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

The Standard Four pupil of SJK (T) Ladang Siliang in Bahau created the record last week, in a whopping 7.9 seconds - the fastest in the country, and just two seconds short of the world record set by Italian Rocco Mercurio in August last year, who clocked in an impressive 5.2 seconds.

In a statement on the win, MBR said that Viswaa's "concentration and laser-like precision" ensured he accomplished the mission perfectly.

Besides the national record title, Viswaa also received a year's supply of medical grade face masks from Medicos.

Apart from Viswaa, four other fastest participants, including three Indians, also managed to win prizes in the campaign.

Congratulations Viswaa on your impressive national record.

Kudos to the parents, and the teachers too, for raising the child right.

Best wishes for creating/breaking more records in the future!

Source & Photo source: Facebook