Astro customers can look forward to a heart-warming local Tamil family drama series Akkam Pakkam premiering on 2 October, 9pm on Astro Vinmeen (Ch 202) via TV, Astro GO and On Demand. This Vinmeen Exclusive series is directed by talented local filmmaker, Yuvaraj Krishnasamy and produced by renowned local talent, Datin Sri Shaila V.
Akkam Pakkam stars popular local artists such as Hemaji, Arunkumaran, Logan, Sasi, Karthik, Vysha, Anthony, David and more. This 24-episode series revolves around the rivalry between two rich and famous families headed by Magendran and Kulasegaran respectively. The rivalry is witnessed by a new couple in the neighborhood, Anjali and Vinod. Anjali is a writer who tries to connect with all her neighbors and takes it upon herself to mend this relationship between the two families. Set in a charming Malaysian Indian neighborhood, their journey of love and hate affects the entire neighborhood and everyone gets involved in their own way.
Enjoy new episodes of Akkam Pakkam, Mondays to Thursdays at 9pm on TV and Astro GO or stream anytime On Demand.
For more information, visit
Fri Sep 29 2023