The search for 48-year-old tourist Vijayaletchumy, who tragically fell into an eight-meter-deep sinkhole on Jalan Masjid India in Kuala Lumpur, has ended in sorrow. After nine days of exhaustive efforts, the Search and Rescue (SAR) operation for Vijayaletchumy was officially called off on Saturday, August 31. Experts from various agencies, including the Fire and Rescue Department, the police, Indah Water Konsortium, and others, were involved in the operation.

August 23, 2024

At approximately 8:22 AM, 48-year-old Vijayaletchumy, who was on a two-month holiday in Malaysia with her family, fell into an eight-metre-deep sinkhole that suddenly appeared on Jalan Masjid India, Kuala Lumpur. She was en route to a nearby temple when the incident occurred. CCTV footage captured the horrifying moment she vanished into the hole, leaving her companions and bystanders in shock.

The Kuala Lumpur Fire and Rescue Department promptly responded to the emergency call and initiated search and rescue (SAR) operations. By the afternoon, the search area had been expanded, and several excavators were deployed to assist in the efforts. The department’s Special Tactical Operation and Rescue Team (STORM) K-9 unit and Indah Water Konsortium (IWK) were also involved. Despite these efforts, the victim had not yet been located by the end of the day.

August 24, 2024

The SAR operations continued into the second day, but Vijayaletchumy remained missing. Excavation work revealed a 1.5-meter-deep chamber constructed with concrete. Two scuba divers from the Fire and Rescue Department conducted an underwater search within this chamber, but unfortunately, no trace of the victim was found.

August 25, 2024

On the third day, firefighters continued their relentless search under increasingly hazardous conditions. Fire operation officer Alimaddia Bukri highlighted the dangers faced by the team, stating that descending into the hole was terrifying, but it was their duty to persevere. The team encountered strong currents, zero visibility, and confined spaces within the sewer system, all of which were further complicated by heavy rainfall.

August 26, 2024

New Search Techniques Implemented

As the search entered its fourth day, authorities implemented a new "flushing" method to clear potential blockages in the sewage system. The technique involved building up water pressure by temporarily blocking the flow of water to specific manholes before releasing it to dislodge debris. This method was an attempt to increase the chances of locating the victim.

August 27, 2024

Involvement of K-9 Detection Unit

On the fifth day, two tracking dogs from the K-9 Detection Unit of the Malaysian Fire and Rescue Department, Frankie and Denti, were brought to the site to assist in the search. These dogs had previously been involved in the Batang Kali landslide SAR operation. They were deployed after the high-pressure water flushing technique had been carried out to detect any new clues regarding Vijayaletchumy's whereabouts.

August 28, 2024

A second sinkhole emerged on Jalan Masjid India, just 50 meters from the site of the initial incident where 48-year-old tourist Vijayaletchumy tragically fell. The new sinkhole appeared in the early hours of the day. Although no casualties were reported, authorities closed the entire 400-meter stretch of the road, while footpaths remained open.

Deputy Prime Minister Fadillah Yusof announced that an "integrity audit" of the sewerage system along Jalan Masjid India would be conducted once the search efforts concluded. Federal Territories Minister Zaliha confirmed that the approval of new construction projects in Kuala Lumpur had been temporarily halted. In light of the incident, Kuala Lumpur City Hall decided to cancel its Merdeka Eve celebrations, originally scheduled for August 30 at Merdeka Square, out of respect for the victim.

August 29, 2024

Malaysia’s police chief, Razarudin Husain, stated that there was currently no need to declare the Masjid India area unsafe or designate it as a disaster zone. Divers continued their overnight search in the sewerage channels but faced challenges due to strong currents and significant debris, including rocks.

August 30, 2024

On the eighth day of the search, efforts focused on clearing a 15-meter blockage detected in the sewer lines below Wisma Yakin, approximately 44 meters from the sinkhole. Bernama reported on the ongoing operation. Meanwhile, national sewerage company Indah Water Konsortium (IWK) indicated that its inspections revealed the sinkhole on Jalan Pantai Permai was not caused by its public sewage pipes.

August 31, 2024

After nine days of exhaustive efforts, the Search and Rescue (SAR) operation for Vijayaletchumy was officially called off on Saturday, August 31. Experts from various agencies, including the Fire and Rescue Department, the police, Indah Water Konsortium, and others, were involved in the operation. Federal Territories Minister Dr. Zaliha stated that the decision to cease the SAR operation was due to multiple factors, including the safety and health risks faced by rescue personnel, particularly the strong currents in the search area.

The victim’s family was informed of the decision, and continuous contact has been maintained with them and the Indian High Commission. The Indian High Commissioner expressed gratitude for the efforts made and understood the decision to end the SAR operation, acknowledging that rescuers had done their best. Dr. Zaliha added that, in collaboration with the High Commission, they would continue to assist the family in any way possible.

Source / Image Credit : Astro Awani, Sinar Daily, NST, Bernama