The fervent anticipation surrounding a potential sequel to the 2023 blockbuster "Jailer," directed by Nelson Dilipkumar and featuring the iconic Rajinikanth, has become a focal point of speculation among eager fans.

Recent reports has stated that director Nelson suggest the possibility of a collaboration with Rajinikanth for the much-discussed sequel, "Jailer 2." Amidst mounting curiosity, Nelson addressed the swirling rumors, providing some insights on the potential cinematic endeavour.

During a recent media event, director Nelson fielded questions regarding his upcoming projects, particularly the prospects of "Jailer 2." When queried about the sequel's likelihood, Nelson offered a cryptic response, stating, "Currently, I don't know if that's the next project or not. Wait for the announcement."

Expanding on the details of his forthcoming ventures, Nelson conveyed that script development is actively underway for undisclosed projects. He hinted at an official announcement within the next two months, promising fans a clearer glimpse into his future projects, potentially encompassing the much-anticipated "Jailer 2." The revelation has only intensified the excitement, leaving enthusiasts eagerly awaiting the official announcement that could shape the trajectory of Rajinikanth's cinematic journey.

Source / Image Credit : Yahoo