I’m Joel Jabharajasingam and I'm from Penang. I have had Cerebral Palsy since birth, since my mother fell during her seventh month of pregnancy. I also had a double cord loop around my neck during birth, but miraculously survived.

I have issues with the coordination in my right hand and left leg, but thankfully, with rehab programs, I am able to walk, talk and live a normal life.

I only started to talk at the age of 3 and walk with the support of my parents. My teachers were very supportive during the schooling years, and always coached me in my stidies. I managed to secure a Diploma in Information Technology from a college.

My aunt always gets me dressed in branded suits and take photographs, which sparked my interest in the fashion world. That is what got me started in modelling. Today, I'm able to drive a car, repair a computer, and can travel without support. I even obtained the title of Most Inspired Award in a fashion contest in 2019.

I like sharing jokes on my social media to make others happy. I'm friendly to everyone, and I don't take life too seriously. I make my world beautiful. I'm thankful to my parents, siblings, relatives and friends for always supporting and guiding me. My family name is Singam - which means I was born with the courage of a Lion.

When one looks at disability the way it is, they can only see failure, which is not going to do any good in the world. Look at what you are able to do, and then you will start seeing the beauty in life. I like to take on challenges that will lead to success.

Be happy not because everything is good, but because you can see the good in everything. Not everyone receives everything they desire, but learn to be satisfied with what we have. That is the greatest blessing of God.

This story by Joel was originally featured on The Unique You Facebook page and has been reproduced in Astro Ulagam.