In the midst of one of Kerala's most devastating landslide and flooding incidents, an extraordinary tale of survival and unexpected rescue has emerged. Sujatha Aninachira and her family were among the fortunate few to escape the disaster, thanks to an unexpected intervention by a group of elephants.

The disaster, which has claimed hundreds of lives and left many missing, saw Sujatha and her family trapped under the rubble of their home as floodwaters surged. Their neighboring two-story house had collapsed, adding to the chaos. Demonstrating remarkable presence of mind, Sujatha managed to free herself and her granddaughter, Mridula, who was crying for help. "I grabbed hold of her little finger, pulled her out of the rubble, covered her with a cloth, and began swimming through the flooding water," Sujatha recounted to the Indian Express.

Upon reaching safety on a nearby hilltop, the family encountered a wild tusker and two female elephants standing just inches away. Overcome with emotion, Sujatha pleaded with the elephants for mercy. “It was pitch dark, and just half a meter away from us stood a wild tusker. It, too, seemed terrified. I mumbled a plea to the elephant, saying we had just survived a disaster and asked it to lie down for the night and let someone rescue us,” she told the Times of India.

In an astonishing turn of events, the elephants approached and stood silently by the family, providing a sense of comfort during the terrifying night. Sujatha observed what seemed like tears rolling down the tusker's face as they waited for help to arrive. “We were very close to the tusker’s legs, but it seemed to understand our plight. We stayed there until 6 a.m., and the elephants remained with us until we were rescued by some kind-hearted individuals in the morning,” Sujatha added, reflecting on the emotional bond formed in those harrowing hours.

Source / Image Credit : Times Now, The Federal