A husband and wife were found dead in their flat unit in Brinchang, Cameron Highlands recently, believed after electrocuted by their water heater.

According to reports, the 35-year-old woman had gone to the aid of her 46-year-old husband, who got shocked while showering, when she too, got electrocuted.

This was not the first water-heater related death the country has seen. Over the last few years, there have been several similar incidents.

Below are some quick tips for safe water heater use, so that you too, won't become a statistic:

1) Do not install yourself

Steer clear of installing a water heater by yourself, if you are not a qualified electrician. Improperly installed or wired heaters have been known to cause deadly outcomes to its users.

2) Keep the heater elevated

A water hater has to be in an elevated position in the bathroom wall - preferably not lower than the head of the tallest person in your household. Any lower than that could mean it gets hit by water when showering, risking a short circuit.

3) Switch off when not in use

You should switch off your water heater after every shower to avoid oveheating, minimise any electrical damage to the device, and also save your electricity bill.

4) DO NOT place fire hazards near the heater

Never place flammable objects like petrol or diesel can, matchbox or lighter close to your water heater as a gas leak from the device can lead to a deadly explosion.

5) Press the ELCB button every week

Experts advise that the Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker (ELCB) button on the water heater should be pressed every week to make sure it trips the ciruit and current leakage.

For showers with the water heater, Arif said the Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker (ELCB) button near the water heater should be pressed every week to make sure it trips the circuit and current leakage.

It is also advisable to press the ELCB switch on the main fuse box at home every month or once every two weeks to make sure it's still in good working condition.

On some heaters, the ELCB function is labelled as RCD (Residual Current Device) or Test, but serve the same function.

There you go, some quick tips to prevent water heater-related tragedy. What other tips can you share with us?

Source: The Rakyat Post, Kaodim
Photo source: recommend.my, The Rakyat Post