Subsequently, Gangai Amaran condemned Vairamuthu in a strongly worded video released today, which has since circulated widely online. The dispute initially surfaced at a music release event for 'Padikkatha Pakkangal', where Vairamuthu's comments led to a heated exchange with Ilaiyaraaja.
While Vairamuthu's remarks subtly suggested that debating the superiority of music or lyrics reflects a lack of understanding, Gangai Amaran's forceful response openly criticized Vairamuthu and cautioned against disparaging Ilaiyaraaja in the future. The outspoken critique from Gangai Amaran and the subsequent circulation of the confrontation video have ignited extensive debate.
Some fans humorously speculate that this conflict may feature prominently in the upcoming Ilaiyaraaja biopic starring Dhanush, while others express disappointment in Gangai Amaran's approach, believing it undermines Vairamuthu's significant contributions to music.
Amidst the controversy, Vairamuthu tweeted, hinting at the ongoing feud with Gangai Amaran and reaffirming his belief in the pivotal role of lyrics in cinema. This tweet has prompted speculation among fans regarding its intended response to Gangai Amaran's earlier statements.
Gangai Amaran reacts for Vairamuthu’s attack against Ilayaraja.
— Christopher Kanagaraj (@Chrissuccess) April 30, 2024
Two legends, Ilaiyaraaja and Vairamuthu, have had a falling out and have stopped working together since the iconic Adi Aathaadi song from Kadalora Kavithaigal in 1986. The reason behind their rift remains a mystery to this day, leaving fans intrigued.
Source / Image Credit : Indianexpress, Newswav 18, IndiaGlitz