Gautam Vasudev Menon, who credits his filmmaking skills to watching films by his idol Mani Ratnam, recently shared an awkward moment involving the renowned filmmaker and actor R Madhavan. Menon candidly stated, “I hate Madhavan,” while recounting an incident where he struggled with a script narration.
On June 2, in celebration of Mani Ratnam's 68th birthday, O2india released a special video featuring Menon discussing his experiences with his "Guru." In the video, Menon recalled multiple incidents, one of which involved Madhavan urging him to narrate the script of his debut film, Minnale, to Mani Ratnam.
Menon recounted, “Madhavan insisted that I narrate my first script, Minnale, to Mani sir. He said, ‘If Mani sir greenlights the project, then it’s on.’ I hated Madhavan for that, for making me go through what I thought would be an ordeal. I was in awe of Mani sir and felt overwhelmed at the thought of narrating my story to him. I botched the narration, but somehow the film came to fruition.”
In another interview, Menon mentioned that Mani Ratnam was unimpressed by the story of Minnale. However, Madhavan, feeling sympathy for Menon, agreed to star in the film.From viral videos to trending topics, we've got it all covered. Follow us on Instagram, Facebook, Tik Tok and WhatsApp Channel for the latest updates and breaking news!
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Source / Image Credit : IndianExpress, TOSB, Times Of India