The Tamil Nadu Idol Wing Criminal Investigation Department (CID) has successfully located a 52-cm tall idol of Goddess Parvati in 2022, stolen in May 1979 from the Nadanapureshwarar Sivan Temple in Thandanthottam, Kumbakonam, Tamil Nadu. The idol, dating back to the 12th century Chola period and made of copper alloy, was found at Bonhams Auction House in New York. Valued at US$ 212,575 (approximately Rs 1.68 crore), the idol exemplifies the artistic brilliance of the Chola empire.
With that being said, the idol of Goddess Parvati, also known as Uma in South India, depicts the goddess in a standing position adorned with a crown, necklaces, armbands, and a garment, all intricately detailed. The craftsmanship highlights the technical prowess of the Chola artists, reflecting the mature Chola style of the 12th century.
#Congrats ! To my team for tracing an elegant antique #idol of #Parvati in tribhanga pose stolen from #Nadanapureeswara temple in Thandanthottam, to Bonhams House,New York.Wing has readied papers to bring it back . @tnpoliceoffl @CMOTamilnadu, #IPS, #police @mkstalin @TNDIPRNEWS
— Jayanth Murali IPS (R),Author of “42 Mondays” (@jayantmuraliips) August 8, 2022
Let’s look at the details of stolen idol!
The idol was stolen from the Nadanapureshwarar Sivan Temple on May 12, 1971. A complaint was initially filed the next day, but no action was taken. In 2019, K Vasu, a temple trustee, filed another complaint with the local police, stating that he had seen five idols in the temple before 1971 and noticed them missing thereafter. He also observed the temple locks broken on the night of the theft. Despite a visit by the then sub-inspector, no complaint was registered at the time.
Inspector M Chitra of the Idol Wing took up the investigation in 2019. The team began searching for the Parvati idol in museums and auction houses worldwide. Utilizing archives from the French Institute of Pondicherry (FIP), which contained images of the stolen idol, the CID compared these images with those available from Bonhams Auction House. The meticulous comparison confirmed the identity of the idol.
Since the discovery, the CID prepared the necessary paperwork to repatriate the artifact from New York to Tamil Nadu. This recovery underscores the persistent efforts of the Tamil Nadu Idol Wing CID in safeguarding and reclaiming the state’s cultural heritage.
Source / Image Credit : FirstPost